If you choose, please send your monetary contributions made payable to Faith Baptist Church to:
5639 Central DR, Monroe, MI. 48161, 
 As an added convenience, make your monetary contributions to Faith Baptist Church securely with PayPal. 
Simply click on the button below to help Faith Baptist Church of Monroe
 Continue to reach this community with the whole Word of God. 

PayPal payments are secure. You are protected by PayPal Seller and Purchase Protection for eligible transactions. 
Please note that there is a fee of 2.2% + $0.30 per transaction charged to Faith Baptist Church for this service. 

*You have the option to create a note in the PayPal payment window to designate your contributions. 
If you do not designate your contributions, they will be placed in the Faith Baptist Church's General Fund.  
Please remember that the convienence fee will impact the actual contribution amount received by Faith Baptist Church.
 MONROE, MI, 48162 
 Phone: 734-384-3585
2020, All Rights Reserved